“People want to read a book for one of two reasons: because the story is very good, or because the content relates to them.”—Curtis Rider (he’s very wonderful)
The irony is extreme: I made a grammatical mistake in my Typo Challenge post. See correction below (an excellent explanation of correct comma usage). Imagine large slice of humble pie. (Side note: Commas have always been hard for me, sort of like swimming is hard for cats.)
Having been a junior high English teacher, and having taught that "you must have a reason for every comma you use," I am not a proponent for random commas. However, this sentence truly needs one, as there is a clear subject and verb on each side of the conjunction (after your introductory clause, which is appropriately set off by a comma):
When a typo sneaks into the paper, concerned readers may submit the correction to the editor and it will run in the next issue.
The comma belongs after editor.
Speaking of cats, we have acquired another kitten. Curtis found it crying under our pile of scrap metal one morning. We’re dangerously close to becoming Crazy Cat People.
Left to right, back row: Curtis. Left to right, front row: Scout, Gulliver, Brave.
Cats before baths are much happier than cats after baths.